UK Theatrical Release
Entity will be released in the following Reel Cinemas from the 24th of June:
Click the link below and select one of the following cinema froms the page on the Reel website:
Borehamwood, Hull, Kidderminster, Quinton Halesowen, Widnes and York
UK DVD Release
On sale: 24th June 2013
Selected retailers:
- Amazon UK
- Tesco
- Sainsburys
US Release Dates
Video On Demand: 9 April 2013
Rental: 19 March 2013
Own It: 11 June 2013
We are delighted to be able to share news of the imminent release of Entity in the US through distributors Brainstorm Media and Fangoria.
The film is already available for rental (in the US). Further dates are listed above.
We can also now explain why Entity’s release in the UK was delayed, despite having signed a distribution agreement in 2012.
Entity was scheduled for release in the UK on March 15th 2013 with UK distributors Revolver Entertainment. As many will have now read, Revolver ceased trading in early March 2013. Within days of this, Nexus DNA Films was able to secure a new offer from another leading UK distributor, Metrodome. We can only apologise to those fans who waited eagerly for the release of the film here, but these really were circumstances beyond our control and we are now extremely happy that we have secured a distribution deal for the UK.